How do I focus on a single niche? with Tiffany Hinton of Cultivating Guts
In this episode, I'm speaking with Tiffany Hinton of Cultivating Guts about how to follow her generator sacral response to build her newly pivoted business. So let's dive in.
Tiffany's journey has been longer than 10 years. It started with an autoimmune diagnosis. That turned into a business of helping other moms with their own autoimmune conditions and children with food allergies. Multiple cookbooks, speaking engagements, traveling across the United States, and international bestseller books. There was a lot of momentum and then the world shuts down. Everything froze in 2020, and her business came crashing to a halt. It was about 10% of what she had made the previous year in her business, which was a little depressing.
She rethought how she did business and what she was doing, and that led her back into spirituality. She purposely thinks about things like, "Am I doing the right thing?" "Am I not doing the right thing?" and still, deep down, knowing that she is here to help, educate, and teach people. How food is medicine, and that's not really changed, but the whole platform has evolved. She had 16 different books that were in print. Most of them are not even printed anymore because of different publishing houses' closings and things happening in the world, and so in 2021, she was like, "Okay, what do I really want to do?"
In her podcast, she actually interviewed the lady that brought this to her forefront, who is a coach on emotional intelligence, about how you use your emotions and what's really driving your emotions, and she came to her and she was like, you love gardening but you never talk about it, but I need your help.
This is how things get started. She feels like in business, somebody needed your help, and we ended up building her garden. We built a second garden and ended up having something like 10 new gardening clients last year. That's now evolved into the whole "cultivating guts Green Witch" brand's new branding. She is one of those people who can't sit still. She is not only running the podcast but also putting out a brand new green witch garden planner. She also has monthly webinars going on and is still writing columns for two different magazines.
What is her current experience or knowledge of human design?
Tiffany was first introduced to it in 2018 by Safara Naftali. She talked all about gene keys, and she hosted a lunch where she talked about the gene keys and how they could relate, and she wanted people to do their own research. That's where Tiffany first started to learn about it. Then she listened to specific gene keys and human design podcast episodes from Sahara Rose, and she got those pieces. She downloaded her Human Design report along with her daughters because she was like, "Let's just look and do some exploring," but she did not understand it all.
What struggle or roadblock is she having in her marketing right now?
She just launched the Green Witch Garden planner, which is a six-month planner for planning out gardens and getting your wish list together by building dream boards and putting together an actual plan with moon cycles.
Together, you can set goals for yourself and for the universe, and then there's a reflection place for things like gratitude at the end of the month, and the whole idea of cultivating guts is teaching people to cultivate healthy guts. To cultivate actually means growing things and then using their intuition. Whatever spiritual guidance that comes to them, those are like the three pillars, so when she thinks about how it all integrates, it has to fit one of those pillars around. It's around actually cultivating items for growth and food.
She has been told by several coaches that she just needs to do one thing really well and just keep doing it, and she doesn’t want to get bored. She decided to bring in a planner and, after about 5 hours, the whole thing came down. It was supposed to be a single-page pdf that she was going to give away at a free webinar, but she ended up with a 42-page planner. But it fits with her gardening and her online platform, which is all about cultivating guts. She hosts the webinars, which create more content, and all of that is focused on suburban gardening, homesteading, and all the different pieces that you need to go from a black thumb to a Green Witch.
She is building a greenhouse in March, so they have drawn up plans to add a greenhouse, which will be more content than building. What can she get to grow in a greenhouse, like a big one? She was going to do a 4 by 12, but she thought it was going to be an 8 by 12 because now it's growing. She has committed to getting chickens. So that's a whole other project, and then that'll probably lead to a podcast. She will be a guest on her podcast about chicken raising, and there will be more content about it. How do you use the biodynamics of chicken poop or chickens to do what you know in a garden? There are a whole bunch of pieces there that fit into that cultivating space.
What is her human design energetic blueprint?
Tiffany is the generator. She is not only a generator but a sacral generator. She has a defined head and a defined Ajna and then, at the same time, she has a defined root center and a defined sacral center which is the root center and also a pressure center. She has this mental pressure to find answers, and on this journey, she comes up with ideas and inspiration. She also has the channel that connects her sacral center to her root center which is all about cycles, honoring cycles, and pulsing cycles.
She also has a 1/4 in her profile that is a researcher, and that is the part of her design where she describes that she has pressure coming in from ideas and pressure to act. I think what she can do is just have awareness of that pressure that is always going to exist and maybe feel it because she has the defined root center.
She liked getting these constant signs or synchronicities, and she was like, okay, this keeps coming back and this keeps feeling really good. You know, she doesn't have to purposely flow down or put brakes on it if she feels the momentum behind it.
For Tiffany, I'm speaking from two sides of the coin; the human design and the marketing side. It's important that you know who you're speaking to and that you speak to them clearly.
It's an undefined growth center. She meant to evolve, so her niche might evolve, and she might grow into this. This doesn't fit or you feel like you've outgrown it, and this kind of goes into your sacral center, and just being a generator, in general, is following what does light her up, and that is her undefined G center. When you center on the defined sacral, you are allowing yourself to follow what truly lights you up and feels right
That's not just her being a generator; we're all meant to grow and evolve. I could point to things in your human design like your defined root center that's focused on evolution and you personally growing, so it's like telling you to just focus on one thing and that thing is just so constricting and that is very dampening to your energy.
This actually relates to her conscious sun placement where the theme is setting a structure, or a framework, that gives her the freedom to allow the magic to flow, to grow and evolve, and to pursue what she feels pulled towards.
This is gate 60 - It is her conscious sun that is called the Gate of Limitations but ultimately it’s the balance of having some structure but also allowing room for magic to flow. So I can definitely see how she could balance that marketing with the need to focus on one thing. It’s like, "No, you don't need to focus on just one thing." It's like, "Can you have enough structure so that the people to whom you're speaking understand what you're speaking about while giving yourself the freedom to do what lights you up?"
She is a generator and also has two motor centers defined. She has her sacral center and root center, and when she lights up, she gets excited about everything she does. The way that she is designed and acts are very much in alignment.
For Tiffany, maybe it's a matter of just saying, "You know what?" I feel good and I'm excited about this, and maybe sure, there are some things that I could put on pause. Maybe it might be a matter of just reexamining: Do I want to do this today? Do I feel like I should do this today? Of course, when you're dealing with your children, those things just need to get done today, like there's no way around it.
From a marketing perspective, it's about how you can keep that clear. So that people understand who you are, what you do, and how you help them? It's okay to say things again; I've talked about it before, but now this is my new perspective on things because of X, Y, and Z. For example, adding chickens to her homestead may change some things she taught or talked about previously, but that doesn't mean she can't circle back and make something better. She has this interesting balance because she has a defined head and a defined Ajna.
She receives a lot of information, like downloading and channeling a lot of stuff in her intuition, but her spleen center is undefined. She is also very good at helping people understand their own intuition, so she has a direct channel or connection to the source.
What's her biggest takeaway or action items from what we discussed together?
She really liked giving permission to herself. She knows that even as adults we still feel like we need permission sometimes. I think for her, knowing that she really needs to not just do it because she feels like it, but she needs to do it even when she doesn't feel like it, like taking the rest period, taking the reflection.
Even if she did feel wonderful on the new moon, which never happens, if it does, still take that to feel wonderful and go sit in the tub or at the beach or write. She thinks that's cool from an action standpoint, but also knows that every time she builds her social content calendars for Instagram and all of the different postings, she should probably check and see if they fit the pillars. And if it doesn't, why am I talking about it? It's about evolving and just questioning that a little bit.
And I'd love to know if you learned something new or something resonated with you, like something I said resonated with you. I would love to connect with you further. You can DM me on Instagram, say hello, and share what your biggest takeaway from this episode was for you and/or your business.
Connect with Tiffany Hinton at Cultivating Guts
Instagram: @gfmomcertified
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