The Biggest Marketing Mistake that Spiritual Entrepreneurs Make

In this episode, I am going to be talking all about the biggest marketing and branding mistakes that entrepreneurs, and specifically spiritual entrepreneurs, make.
If there's anything that I've learned throughout my career, both working as an employee and being self-employed, it is that it becomes an entirely different thing when you work as a professional marketer and help other people in growing their businesses and when you market and grow your own business.
When I was writing copy for my very first website, I remember being told I needed to write for my niche and to get very specific about it. At the same time, as someone who wanted their business to take off and wanted to be able to work, it felt like I didn’t want to get so specific that I excluded anyone who might be a potential client. It felt like a battle going on as I tried to write the copy for my website.
I know many newer businesses and entrepreneurs have an internal battle over this too.
As a best practice or commonly held belief, make sure you are very specific in your messages to those you're targeting. Most of the time, you think that being too specific is going to turn away potential clients. Or you think that "Am I shooting myself in the foot by being so specific that it turns away people that might be good clients for me?” when you’re at that stage where you're trying to gain traction with your new business, where you're trying to gain clientele, or just trying to get off the ground and be profitable.
During the launch of my first website, I made the decision to write a more generic copy around being an OBM, the boilerplate copy that they share with us as we go through the certification. Honestly, I just wanted to launch a website, and I wanted to get myself out of there and just get my first clients. So I just used this generic copy and threw it up there. I was like, "This is good enough and I am hoping for the clients to roll in." I just wanted to get started and find clients, any clients!
Sure, I was getting a consistent flow of leads, but the people I was speaking to were all over the place in terms of the types of businesses and what they needed from a business manager. During our introductory call, I would often spend too much time explaining what I do rather than focusing on how I could help them, and I would miss the chance to determine if they would be a good fit for me and my business.
Your discovery calls are the starting point for a relationship with your clients, but I was so busy educating them and helping them understand how I could help them that I wasn't able to do that. I almost sold them on what I could do and what I was capable of. I missed the opportunity to assess whether this was a relationship they didn't just want to move forward with, but also I wanted to move forward with.
The result was a lot of introductory calls that didn’t go anywhere, and also a lot of paying clients that weren’t my ideal clients. This makes me think – what is the state of this potential client before they even get on the call with me? They should feel pretty certain about what you do and how you can help them, and maybe it's just a matter of seeing if your personalities are a good fit for each other.
I just had lots of potential clients sitting there behind their computers, who misunderstand what I do, or worse, are left with uncertainty and questions about what is best for them and their businesses, which is the exact opposite of my intentions to serve and elevate. Maybe I was not being clear & they're left with questions as they don't even know what's best for them or their business and about why they'd even want to work with me in the first place.
My marketing ecosystem was leaving people more confused and overwhelmed without the answers that they were seeking. I can say that my marketing and branding were not doing their jobs, at least not well. This was a very hard pill to swallow.
It was hard to admit and even harder to admit it here right now because it’s like trying to cast a wide net by having this generic marketing messaging on your website or your social media. Even with the other marketing materials, as if I was just casting a really wide net and hoping someone would bite, the truth is that I was doing them a great disservice by leaving them just as confused as to when they landed on my website, or by having them land there even more confused and then just leaving and forgetting about it.
It’s more like I’m wasting the time of people that it was never going to be a good fit, but they just didn't understand that until they hopped on the call, and so this was the huge mistake that I was making in my own business and, honestly, this lack of clarity and specificity.
This was a HUGE mistake I was making in my own business, as well as one I saw other business owners making in theirs.
If you use the right language, which is clear and specific, it activates something in you. It's a code that sets them on the right path or a better path in their journey as a spiritual entrepreneur if you're here and you consider yourself a spiritual entrepreneur or someone. Who has gifs that are difficult to put into words, which a lot of you, like me, sometimes feel when trying to speak about human design, and it's not a very common language that people understand?
It might be a really hard pill to swallow if you're someone who heals like a Reiki healer. You know you work with people on more energetic levels. Sometimes it's hard to put words to the things you do, and I understand that, and it's a very common challenge to have.
But the problem is that many business owners define a narrow target audience just for the sake of saying they have a niche, which is a very tactical application of a brand strategy, but something that might be out of alignment with what’s in your heart because it’s based on, at times, random demographics, which means you’re doing it half-heartedly.
I’m about to say something that is perhaps controversial, but here it goes: you do not need to create a niche, or target audience, for your business AS LONG AS you can speak with clarity, precision, and specificity to the people who will be best served by your gifts and who you are most passionate about serving.
You can have all the strategies in the world, you can create all the frameworks and methodologies, you can have a niched-down target audience, but if you can’t speak to them in clear-as-day, normal language that truly resonates with them the second they lay their eyes on it, none of that matters. It’s the copy that someone reads and thinks, "I MUST GET TO KNOW THIS PERSON OR THIS THING WAS MADE FOR ME." That is the most influential, impactful, and successful marketing message.
If your copywriting speaks to the same generic pain points and results that everyone else’s speaks to, like being stuck or overwhelmed, reaching 10k in a month, etc., then it’s time to get deeper. So how do you do this? I have three areas of clarity that make up the Radiant brand strategy.
First- It is clarity on your purpose and your energetic blueprint so that you can step up and fulfill your destiny and elevated timelines.
It is about recognizing your gifts and purpose, as well as gaining clarity on what your energetic blueprint is saying to you.
Second- It is having clarity about your truth and communicating it in authentic and supportive ways. You build trust and connection between aligned souls and you and your ideal clients.
It is about clarity in your truth and communicating it in an authentic and supportive way. What this means is: what do you stand for? What is your mission here on Earth? What is your vision? What do you stand for? Whom are you helping? What values are you getting behind, and how does that help you? How are you communicating them in ways that are authentic to you and help others see you?
Third- It is clarity on how someone experiences you and your gifts so that you can serve others at their highest level and help them help your ideal soul mate client step into their purpose.
It is all about clarity, how someone experiences you and your gifts, right? So, how will this person understand if they choose to walk with you, continue their journey with you, and hire you?
It’s not about your niche; it’s not about your pain points. It’s about you and them and communicating it in ways that are clear, true, authentic, and specific so that your words hit that resonant frequency that makes some think, "Wow, this person KNOWS me at a deep level," opening them up for deeper trust and connection with you, so you can begin your journey together. This is what makes for an unmistakable brand and marketing strategy. Moreover, it helps you grow your soul-driven business.
I serve business owners and entrepreneurs with clarity and specificity. This resonant detail is what makes an unmistakable brand and marketing strategy. You can be magnetic to your ideal soul mate clients, and this clarity is what helps you grow your soul-driven business. Do not get me wrong here. This is the key to so much of what entrepreneurs do.
This is the Radiant on Purpose Brand framework: being crystal clear on your truth, purpose, gifts, and brand. This is why the aura of your business just pours out of you and radiates through anyone that comes into contact with your energy. This clarity creates an unmistakable, unique brand that radiates your unique magic. For your soulpreneur business, you can be seen and heard by your most aligned clients.
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